This Wiki gives you an insight into the portentous adventure of 10 travellers who take up a challenge which is going to enrich their whole lives...

Zaterdag 25.04.2009

And here it was...the morning...the doom morning. It has broken sinisterly. Just like I'm used to say "You can make it happen", I wished we could have avert THIS happening. But what worth are words of mourning and sorrow.

Anyway we had to..had to pack all our belongings, belongings of physical manner and all the unforgettable, stunning memories as well, in our fictive suitcase of enormous size, roughly the height of the Empire State Building, the width of the pacific ocean and the spiritual significance of Uluru.

Last day, last adventures - splitting up into groups sprawling out to the heart of AmsterHamster.

Suddenly just walking unawarely through tiny little streets there appeared a hilarious little street, the famous Blumenstraße, which certainly is known by anyone on Earth. Really marvellous, we could not even have estimated what hidden treasure waited for us yonder.
Firstly beholded accurately, we decided to enter, enter a store with a big hole in its entrance door, which yawned misteriously but temptingly.

Inside the wall was plastered with Didgeridoos and Aborigine stuff, which was natural familiar to us as experts of Aborigine culture espescially of Koori traditions and pecularities.
Anyway we walked unerringly in. Then we discovered a chunk of sweeping artefacts and immerging into the vibe of the store we started to play on a Xylophon-like instrument a really inspiring duett.

By this we called the attention of the saleslady, who was a really witty, nice and eagerly interested person concerning Aborigine issues. After a short chitchat I asked her if we could try our luck with one of the wooden instruments. She consented to it and at a stroke we found ourselves in a personal workshop with "Lies" our proficient teacher. She told us about the circle of breathing and techniques for proper use of the versatile instrument. Afterwards we recommended her our wiki for further information about Aborigine life and we talked a lot about the manifold pecularities of the native inhabitants and about her numerous trips to Australia. Really an enriching conversation!

After that inspiring experience we wanted to explore further features of this beautiful neighbourhood:

Enlightening deco-shops with witty salesmen...who were acting somehow a bit confusingly. Stoned? Or why should people giggle constantly and scribbeling coconut creme on their skin.:D

Special and unique bookshops with magazins headed by crazy people over here and with antique Jazz magazines over there. What a variety of matchless odds and ends. Really gheck:)

Just a few steps onwards a group of children performed just for us, in keepsake of our departure, high school musical, amidst of a square next to us. Unbelievable, really! A fireworks of wit and artistic dance performance. The kids seem to be so happy and we were wondering whether kids in Germany are able to look like that, too.^^
United again, we looked for something edible and the Chinese food at Leidseplein, our beloved Leidseplein, casted a spell over us so we could not resist its tastiness. On our way back to the hostel we tried to absorb everything of the scenic beauty:

The Reguliersdwarsstraat of course, the wonderful streetsigns, which we felt worth photographing and finally our dearly beloved Grachten, which apparently bowed out in sorrow about our early departure.
Last attempts of cheerfulness by singing funny songcovers like "If you wanna be a monkey.."(spice girls) helped Julia and me to withstand our immanent sadness. But this caused much confusion in Johannes head..understanding his thoughts was nearly impossible at that moment.

With royal wavering and plans of a dutch-learning-trip in our minds we began to select a magnificant house directly next to the Grachten in which we would spend a wonderful time learning about "de eigenaardigheid" of this witty language.

Before our departure we had to cope with the ...originality of some unknown persons who still had to give their door-entrance-card back; the receptionist was just commenting this with "The next time you will not make this!^^"

Moving on from Amsterdam we had a really cheerful return journey. Julia and me e.g. tinkered with a humorous song for guitar "Das Dackellied" or "The wiener-dog-song"...or "De Dashond Lid"

D/G/E_/A A9/://G/E_/C/D//
"Dackel geht essen Ameisen- Meise". Among other silly sentences I almost died laughing and had to break out in tears. Really funny :D

Short stop in Cologne, but wait..where are our precious Grachten? And why do they use a language I am able to understand??? Where are the marvellous signs??? We hit the panic button and it was really a kind of a shock being back in Germany. As if this wasn't enough we felt confronted with awful shocks of culture and architecture in "Kölle"...

The return journey by the S- Bahn turned out to be quite mystery..0.0!
An "encounter" with an absent- minded and confused lady who sit next to some mission members caused some strange feelings.
She had an Shaman- like conspiratorial cane with her and was maundering pretty weird stuff like:"In Skandinavien..Vögel...Schlangen!"

yeah...that also happened...but I'm not quite sure how it is possible that I write something without knowing about it...quite spoky isn't it?

Anyway we had much fun on our way back home, but maybe another person should write about this too. Then he or she...but I have the feeling that she is better here...should also mention then the wonderful mental trip which led us through the streets of AmsterHamster across Koningsplein and our beloved Leidseplein and several other places of personal importance. It was totally like being there for real again. Like one could feel the breeze coming from the Grachten, smell the scent of the flowers of the Vondelpark and taste walk-to-walk-food again:D

After this great but long return we really felt tired but instead of sitting to "gracht" a bit we finally had to say goodbye...one of the hardest moments in my life, I'd say..because this finally marked the end of this marvellous journey. Its ups and downs it pros and cons its beauties and its beasts. Everything remains in our minds locked in a golden jar or you could say casket as well.:) On its top written in golden letters decorated with little golden angels (golden is ment metaphorically in this case) a tiny inscription : "Who are we? " An eternal question of the human species..but now I know its answer...because I, you and everyone of us knows now :


1 Kommentar:

  1. I really had to laugh, franco:D!
    The whole text about Zaterdag, mainly your day:P, is written with a lot of imagination and wit, great;)Especially the last two columns are quite sentimental and humourous!


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