This Wiki gives you an insight into the portentous adventure of 10 travellers who take up a challenge which is going to enrich their whole lives...

I amsterdam!

Gouden Dag!

Yesterday we arrived at 00.07 pm at the mainstation in Speyer.
It was such a wonderful trip, everybody of us finally 12 people (Sophia managed to stay with us all the time) enjoyed it so much and we had a pretty marvellous time all together!!:)

"Amsterhamster" is great! The "Grachten" like the famous Prinsen- or Herengracht, the nice houses, "Albertheijn" our supermarket, fantastic places like Leidseplein and Königsplein and the Dutch people, who were so helpful and charming made our trip to an unforgettable experience
and I am really grateful having sampled all this:-).

"Amsterhamster" is an outstanding city. I can draw the conclusions that this nice capital is a mixture of Berlin and Mannheim, hehe;-)
Yeah, it is really like that. Let me explain it:
On the one hand side "Amsterhamster" is a great multicultural metropolis. Probably the half of Barcelona's population is living here:D. Apart from that you can find British, German, (South-) American and many Asian folks, it is wonderful and you can feel the so- called "big city life". That is may be also a reason why especially Franz and me talked most of the time either in English or Dutch..:D

On the other side "Amsterhamster" has an unique charm and atmosphere. The capital is not that big but well- aranged and the laid- back "Amsterhamster" spirit is omnipresent- not only because of the weed you know;). The "Amsterhamsters" do not know the word hecticness, they seem to be really satisfied, no wonder this city speaks for itself:) Oh, I cannot stop to swarm about it^^.

"Amsterhamsters" love to go by bike and they decorate their bikes with flowers :) Your first thougt might be: Oh sure, this expresses their coolnes and appeases their aggressiveness. You can say this concerning all the other actions of Dutch people in which they behave really easy-going, but in riding their bike they do not see any fun, it is a mentality, a FRANTIC mentality who makes every biker ignoring poor little pedestrians:D!

In the next days/weeks/months (?) a detailed journal and pictures of our journey will follow.

See you,

kind regards and Tot ziens from "Antje":)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Hey weißt du wer Antje is?


  2. oder die hier:D



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