This Wiki gives you an insight into the portentous adventure of 10 travellers who take up a challenge which is going to enrich their whole lives...

Donderdag 23.04.2009

Donderdag was our relaxing day..it rippled like tiny rain drops because of the long night the day before^^. Anyhow Mission Amsterdam was quite lethargic on this day, maybe the cloudy and muddy weather was a reason for it...who knows:P?

In the morning we decided to have a breakfast in Vondelpark, since the majority of our group missed breakfast at the hostel. Due to this fact we did our supermarket Albertheijn a big favour by buying almost the whole sortiment of food..okay,not all the food but it definetely benefited from our shoppings of some fruits,cookies, baguettes, vegetables, smoothies, salads etc.^^

Well, the ambience in the park was pretty nice and the omnipresent twittering of some birds and a great group of some oriental musicians, who took the pitch of their instruments unfortunately not so in their consideration;), sweetened the start of the day.

Okay, after a really looooooong and expaaaanded discussion- Cafe?Film museum? Cafe? Van Gogh museum? Film museum? Cafe?-
We landed in the famous Van Gogh museum ..yeah and over night we all became over 17 years old:D Thankfully the "ruthless lady" at the counter was not there anymore :P^^.

Van Gogh Museum is placed in the district Oud- Zuid in Amsterdam.
Apart from the biggest collection of Vincent Van Gogh's works it shows further paintings by Paul Gauguin, Toulouse- Lautrec, Claude Monet or Edouard Manet...just to mention a few of them..actually it was quite hard for me to assimilate all the impressions. I was a bit tired and the exhibition was distributed on three floors, I think. However that was worth it!:)

In the so- called "Night- exhibition" I found one of my favourite paintings by Van Gogh, "Starry Night over the Rhône".

I was so fascinated by this marvellous picture and when you directly stand in front of it, it seems to be so real and peaceful...I cannot describe it^^.
Yeah, maybe I stood there for 12 minutes..and that's not a joke, I swear:D
The watchman next to the painting probably thought I hypnotized it:D:D

Then Franco joined my walk through the "Night area" and so we could continue our brisk interpreations and analysis about some works..and we "battled" us by telling to each other some distinctive stations of Van Gogh's life we learned and linked them with his developement of painting, hehe^^. It was quite fun:)

After that we sat on the meadow and we wrote some witty post cards or played "Studenten mau- mau" by replacing the "knocking" in the case of a "King" with some strange animal like noises..oh my goodness, these kind of noises accompanied us the whole journey..weird?-Indeed!:P

Our way back to Bull Dog by the tramway was filled with some feelings of high adrenalin, because 2 of the passengers were without any ticket o.o!
But all of us arrived happily at our destination;)

Anyhow there was a little "collective low" when we looked for some food in the evening...the majority decided to go to "wok to walk", a chinese as you can imagine:P

Then I took some "Grachtenbilder at night" (maybe the aftermaths of the "night- exhibition"^^).At the first picture you can see a witty attempt of kicking Alex into the Gracht :D The second one shows some similarities with a famous painting I mentioned a few lines ago..hmm^^, okay that's a "triple 2":P

Well, then we intended to discover again Amsterdam's night life..however this turned out to be very hard. Our chronical indecison, some disagreements and some drunk people, who weren't the optimal guideposts at all complicated our mission to find a club.

Finally we found the "mp3", unfortunately a teenie lounge and not that "fet", you know?:P But for some people in our circle it offered the opportunity to make some extraordinary experiences..knick knack:P

Later on Maren, Anne, Andreas and me found a really nice, authentic, trendy Dutch club bar:D Not everybody liked it there, however Franzi, Alexis, Franz and me were pretty amused about "bicycle- songs" like "Klingelingeling, klingelingeling- huhu"!;)

Admittedly we weren't enthusiastic at all about some brash Dutch adolescents, who were sooooo annoying-.-.

One of them, the "Spatting Dutchman"made every smalk talk with him to a really wet experience:D Now, it seems to be quite amusing but at this moment it was close to a horror-.-^^

Having sampled all this our little "dutch club- group" decided to go somewhere else. First we landed in the overcrowded Jazz club "Alto", where we sat next to an Barcelonean film regisseur, who pretended to make some music videos...but anyhow after a few minutes he told us to be only an assistent..maybe he is the footboy in the end and not more than this:D

Any further attempts of finding a great location failed. Due to this fact we gave up in vain an walked back to our hostel:)

1 Kommentar:

  1. Oh yeah that was a great day, I really had to laugh about the spatting dutchman:)And also about your witty way of writing! Congrats


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