This Wiki gives you an insight into the portentous adventure of 10 travellers who take up a challenge which is going to enrich their whole lives...

Woensdag 22.04.2009

"Hmmh..hmmh...wuff..grunz, grunz!"
Maybe this onomatopoeia expresses the best how weird and nevertheless special this Wednesday was:)

In the morning we decided to go to the famous Van Gogh- museum. Unfortunately the proud price of 15 euro for adults and our chronical indecision upset our plan. Well, the ruthless lady at the counter didn't want to believe us or especially Franz with whoom we have started a "rejuvenation mission", that all our passports were at the hostel , because bull dog need a comparable merit for the keys we had. You can guess that this was just a witty attempt of us to avoid that the lady sees on our passports that we are already about 18 years....mhh..So our "rejuvenation mission " with Franz, which consisted of taking his stylish sunglasses away and butting up his shirt, and the possibility of an entry price of 7 euro failed :(

Having provided us with some delicious sandwiches and smoothies, our principal food, we continued our walk to "Roemervischerstraat" and were grateful for the helpful explanation from a nice "green peace- lady".(Franz to Julia: "Was it okay , that we didn't talk about green peace..?Maybe she expected it..first I thought about it, but then ..hmm..")^^.

"Roemervischertstraat" is a hidden street which illustrates the history of European Architecture and is due to this fact a little journey through 7 European cities...however we just found Spain, Turkey, Russia and Germany..;-)

Well, after this outstanding location an apparently innocent traffic light implicated a fatal thing...the separation of the group, Omg!!;-)
Because Franz and me were busy with marvelling at the nice buildings, enjoying the weather and the already mentioned "twittering of the birds"..they forgot the time, got lost and the other members of "mission amsterdam" didn't recognize it^^.

However this incident gave Franz and me the chance to explore the local art scene , which was quite interesting. Next to the Grachten are many galleries with national as well as international paintings and due to this fact brisk discussions and analysis were determined:P

BUT among all this talkies one question waited to be answered:
What is the difference in pronounciation between "ei" and "ij"??

A woman there affirmed our assumptions:
"ei " sounds like "das Ei" in german and "ij" sounds like" EY, du kummst hier net rEIn:D Admittedly, we noticed later on that we forgot to ask about "eij"..ahhhh:P How will this sound like???:)

Well, the next funny incident followed:
Franz and me visited a gallery next to a well attended street and were marvelling at some paintings close to the showcase where pedestrians could clearly see them. Suddendly, like a bolt from the blue, I made a freeze frame in front of the showcase. Spontaneously Franz copied this sudden inspiration...so, two "gheck" people pretended to be a mannequin and obviously not so bad..because two older dutch ladies were almost passing the gallery when they suddenly stopped and starred at us!!
Both of us hoped that they will soon continue their walk but ...no..they were starring, starring and starring:D

As you can imagine, one of us had to laugh so loud and heartly that the women noticed that we were actually genuine human beings^^.
In this case it was Franz who botched it up, nevertheless this was a quite humourous mission and when we left the gallery the ladies were still laughing and one of them said something like: "Ik höb erst bezwefelt", (dass ihr echt seid!^^) I will never forget this :)

Then we went to an antique shop where we found a nice little treasure chest...maybe Franz will buy it for my 30. birthday:D After that we discovered the "Reguliersdwarsstraat":

We took a seat at a nice restaurant with a really polite Tai waitress, who taught us our first dutch words, namely dank u well, tot ziens and doeii and wrote them in our drawing block:) She couldn't guess what a high euphoria about the funny dutch language she evoked:D
While we were eating some "Bitterballen" with the so- called "Pommes Frites"^^, we "stalked" some people with their humourous quirks and helped Sophia, who felt sick at the morning and stayed at the hostel, to find the rest of Mission Amsterdam in da city.

Having prepared for the little wind storm, that was blowing through AD and which was responsible for all the napkins and menues which were flying in the wind, we hit the road, since the others waited for us at 16.00 pm at Leidseplein.

Because they weren't on time we made a little shopping excursion.
Franz found some oldstyle white shoes and I found a cool, checked cap, wow, what a alliteration!:D
But we weren't not persuaded enough and so we left the shop without these things^^.

However I discovered a pretty marvellous bag at H&M and Franz bought a chameleon- like belt ( sorry, maaan:P);-)
Having arrived at Leidseplein for the 2nd time, Mission Amsterdam was complete again.Some of us decided to go busking, that actually means making music AND earning some money.

The thing with the money was quite hard, because the local competition was really inventive. I have to admit, that we hadn't had any chance:D Performers like a brilliant Barcelonean puppet player or a "gheck"( but positive gheck^^) female hippie dog trainer were too extraordinary in contrast to us:D:D:D

But we had a nice encounter with some nurses, who liked our music...okay, at least two of them... in whole Amsterdam:D
One of them was from Lübeck, they live now in Ad and enjoy their life. Unfortunately they affirmed our assumptions concerning the high lease costs. Close to the Grachten appartements cost 1000 euro every month!!It's sheer lunacy!!!

After some further failed attempts to earn some money, we went to Vondelpark and we met some people who weren't unknown to us at all,
namely Yassi and Orestis, quite "fet" wasn't it?^^ We had a picnic, some nice conversations, suffered from sunburn and sunstroke and noticed that Franz forgot his leather jacket at Leidseplein.
Johannes and Franz went back and were looking for the jacket, but it was unfortunately gone, such a pitty:(

Then we went back to Bull dog and met the double bass player with his ill doggi on the way back home..the dog looked quite sad, I think he had to suffer a lot..hmm, poor doggi.

Having arrived at our room, Andi made some strange noises:
First he imitated the sound of a puppy- dog and then he suddenly switched to a pig!It was so funny, and the best was Annes facial expression!!!:D:D:DAfter a while of relaxing we set out for a cheap restaurant. Maren and me were again driven by animal like feelings (maybe Andi aroused this typical state of mind^^) and crossed the zebra crossing like a funny kangaroo with a touch of an Otto Waalkes Imitation:D The car driver , who had to stop because of the red traffic light were quite amused..you can imagine..hehe^^.

Well, we landed in an Italian restaurant, called "Mariah". The personal was really impolite, except of the smiling cook, and didn't appreciate our tryings to speak some dutch..hmm..and my british accent, which is omnipresent in my mind, was also rather unsuitable in this area..hehe^^.Although they forgot some reservations, I enjoyed the witty group of people sitting around my desk and..yeah..partly the food.

Actually we planned to explore night life in Amsterhamster, but we hadn't had much luck..At "Bourbon Street Blues " was full house and the majority didn't feel like going there. Only Möriam and Johannes went there..then we went to Paradiso, a concert hall as well as dance club.

Candy Dulfer, a famous Saxophon player, was going to play there and I inquired myself about the upcoming concert..unfortunately it was quite expensive for some poor ex- pupils like us..hmm.Since the danceclub was also really crowded and expensive, we decided to got to an Irish Pub for a while.

Franz and me finished the day by going "grachten", lingering through the idyllic city by passing the railing with the sticker, you know?:P

In our room then we had all some witty converstions and were wondering about the staying power of Möriam and Johannes , who weren't at the hostel yet.

Step by step we fell asleep..the next day could come!:)

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