This Wiki gives you an insight into the portentous adventure of 10 travellers who take up a challenge which is going to enrich their whole lives...

Vrijdag 24.04.2009

Idyllic, Royal, Jumpy - These words clearly express the Friday morning.

Having provided us with some food and drinks from a store I mentioned quite often, Franz, Maren and me took a seat at one of the many "Grachten" in Ad and had an amusing "Breakfast at the Gracht"...sounds really romatantic, doesn't it?:P

We felt like natives ..no, not only natives...special people, royals;-)Constantly some steamboats , especially with some older guests called seniors, were passing us. They waved to us and we beckoned to them, of course in an quite majestic way..., yeah, I guess , we were pretty authentic in that moment..IF the cunning gulls hadn't been there -.-!

They attacked us from all the sides and built a "barrier", which made it difficult for us to eat, drink and breathe:D Nevertheless we learned some features of these kind of animals: insidious- predacious- egoistic.^^

Then we decided to make a nice paddleboat tour as a marvellous ending for our great trip:( So we had the chance to discover Amsterdam from an other perspective. However some candidates of mission Amsterdam had some problems to handle the control system of the boat..yes, and this fact was not really helpful in moments of brisk traffic in the Gracht:D

Having succeeded in avoiding to hit some other steamboats, we made a little shopping tour, which was also quite fun. At H&M we had a witty photo session^^. Sunglasses advertising as well as Micky Mouse- pictures are the result of this shopping period.

At Leidseplein we saw first a ridiculous breakdance crew..a dancing crew, that didn't make anything after their few stunts, except of trying hopelessly to "rock the house".Breakdance crew:" We'll cancel the show...too less people..too less, but thanks for the support."tzzzz...

Whereas the puppet player was really good!You could see that it was so much fun for him to move his coconut- puppet. He constantly smiled, was happy about every pedestrian, who liked his performance and delighted quite a few people with his "I feel good"- singing or Salsa dancing marionette.

Well, then we decided to chill at an other Park, namely Wertheim Park..it was also a pretty idyllic one in an for us unknown area up to that moment.

The "journey" to this Park was quite nice too. While we listened to music by Esperanza and co. and got lost in Ad for several times ^^, we saw some really marvellous places, for example the waterfront with some cosy houseboats.

Having arrived at our destination, we played cards, ate something, played music, took some fanatstic photos, stalked a married couple:D...yeah, and I had to decide whether I prefered to go to a concert of Candy Dulfer without the group or hanging out together with mission Amsterdam..yes, as solidary I am, I prefered the whole group:)

A few minutes later Franz and me chlinched to look for some toilets..this apparently easy manner turned out to be our most difficult "barrier":D

After an encounter with a really cute puppy-dog that obviously prefered me than Franz ,whereupon Franz was a bit "depressed", we went straight on to some cafes. In front of the first one we may be stood about ten minutes..we didn't know whether we could only go inside because of the toilets and without ordering something. Furthermore we weren't sure whether this cafe actually had some toilets and there weren't any free places to sit outside..you can see, problems and problems:D

Finally we decided to look for an other possibility and found a cafe- bar. Unerringly we went inside...well, actually Franz was the one who headed self- confidendly for the toilets, I was busy with inspecting the nice bar including some cool pics at the wall...well, this was my failure.

Unlike Franz, I didn't win the challenge to reach the fucking toilets..aaarrrgghh.:D:D
A Dutch lady prevented me from my aim:
Lady:blabla..(in Dutch)
Julia: "Sorry, I cannot speak Dutch."
Lady:"Oh, that's a private party! Sorry, you have to leave."
Julia:"Ah, okay."
Lady: "And where is the gentleman?"^.^

Having explained to the lady that Franz "managed " to find the thing he intended to find the whole afternoon, I had to report Franz from our intrusion to a private party.;-) However it was quite "litzig", and the most "fet" incident was that all the Dutch guests actually considered us as Dutch natives..wasn't it great success?-Indeed!:)

Okay, however I hadn't had the possibility to find "the thing I intended to find the whole afternoon" and due to this fact the second challenge started. "Soon" (öhöhö^^) we found a authentic and cosy "leisure- time- bar", where I reached my aim;) After having observed some Dutchmen, who calmly played cards, Franz drank up his "Amstel" beer and we joined again mission Amsterdam:)

On the way back to our hostel we had the great idea to barbecue on the "Bull dog roof -deck". Again we went to our friend "Albert"and bought salads, baguettes, meat, maize, other vegetables and some juices.

Having solved the problem with the bigger amount of money, we couldn't wait to enjoy the dinner at the nice roof- deck. Thankfully they allowed us to fulfil our plan:)

The barbecue was delicious, the ambience was excellent ..you couln't have a better final evening together in Amsterdam:)

The stoned Britains on the roof- deck were also "responisible" for the funny atmosphere.They entertained us by playing guitar, singing and spilling severall glasses of beer because of their "unsoundness of mind".

We enyojed their music and they really liked our music, especially Maren's Red Hot Chilli Peppers Song for which she got a kiss by one of the Britains and the "Ab in den Süden" piece;-)

Well at about 11 pm we went to "bamboobar", a quite nice Brasil bar with latinamerican music. The band which consisted of several drummers, singers and one guitar and bass player was good, unfortunately the music was really loud and I think it had been better if the band would have played a bit more discreetly;)
Neverthess they didn't "avoid" us to take some marvellous pictures with our brand new cool sunglasses:)

Not everybody liked the music and so there was just Johannes, Miriam, Alex, Franzi, Franz and me left. The others went to the Bull Dog lounge and had there also a great time.

Having danced and "admired" some brasil dancers for a while, the bamboobar- group decided to go back to Bull Dog. On our way back home Franz and me had the chance to go "Grachten at night" for the last time and we reflected everything we sampled on our trip, which was quite sentimental^^.

Having arrived at the lounge of the hostel I played billard with Alex..aaaaaaaaaand: I won!What a triumph!!!:D
Apart from that it was quite gheck and litzig in equal meassure to observe some stoned Americans who were watching some hoover and barbecue- pan advertising on tv :D:D That was so funny to see, believe me:)

After this nice incident, I also decided to go upstairs to our room...may be I was influenced by the witty stoned Americans, I don't know..anyway I was in rather funny mood and due to this fact I "grant" the others some laughs by making jokes or having soliloquys. Especially Franzi and Carola were really amused about it, they almost had to break out in tears:P However some other candidates like Tobi said something like:" Can't you continue tomorrow with your funny mood?"^^:D

Well, again a very eventful day:)

1 Kommentar:

  1. For a moment I totally forgot that im sitting here in Barcelona not in Amsterhamster.:)Hopefully I wont go to look for Grachten por aqui:)I guess this was one of the most outstanding days. And I have to admit Im quite sentimental...


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