This Wiki gives you an insight into the portentous adventure of 10 travellers who take up a challenge which is going to enrich their whole lives...

Heavy is the head that wears the crown...

That was a meeting..oh..maan :D After having admired our nice Amsterdam blog, we finally began to plan our voyage. First I called Anne, she provided us with some very useful information..Anne without you, we would be nothing ;-)However the call with her turned out to be quite difficult...the hyper crowd did not want to be quite..ahh^^ Of course Anne found again a great offer with DB..probably we will succeed in travelling beneficially to the city of our dreams :P

The next step was the hostel..
We have the following options:

1.flying pig which has a quite questionable as well as funny video
2.bob's youth hostel..it appears cool and easygoing ..but it has also a kind of " jail atmosphere":D
3.bulldog..citation:"Lots of loud, stoned Americans. Not necessarily a bad thing, but not for everyone! Good location and good security though."(nov. 2008)

Well,... Barega wrote some witty emails to each hostel..we hope that at least one of them wants to accommodate us..all of us are really excited about this whole thing!

Shit happens...

Oh, it is such a pitty! Yesterday Anne told me about the possibility to travel with Deutsche Bahn to Amsterdam...first I was doubtful. I had not anticipated to find a cheap offer by train..and due to this fact we thought, a flight would be perfect and the most beneficial thing...But then Anne - the master of finding some fantastic bargains- found the bargain of the season!!!! 61 Euro per person by DB...I thought..It's sheer lunacy!

But as you can imagine, this "dream" will not come true...apparently this offer is sold out ...today..damn..Today we looked for some other possibilities by train..however it seems to be hopeless..well, I think now we have to take amsterdam airlines...

This evening we will have a meeting again. I hope we will succeed in finding a nice hostel, a cheap way to come there and in defending last doubts concerning the city....Alex, Amsterdam is it, maaaaan;-)

I'm really looking forward to get to know Amsterdam..it will be marvellous!

Airplane Crash

I have to say I was really shocked to hear about this Message in the radio this very morning. Just arriving in an other plane I was so grateful to be on terra firma again. But what about our trip? Totally confused I did have problems to grasp the possible dangers of a flight by plan which are normally put aside.

But I really don't want to spread panic. Travelling by plane mantains... statistically the most secure means of transport. To read further details about the crash I provided a link a short newspaper article...This may become an excellent feature story...right Crummy?


A Turkish Airlines plane has crashed on landing at Amsterdam's Schiphol international airport, killing nine people and injuring 84, six critically.

The plane, carrying 128 passengers and seven crew, crashed short of the runway near the A9 highway. It broke into three pieces, but did not catch fire. Witnesses spoke of seeing at least 20 passengers walking from the wreckage of Flight TK 1951. Officials said it was unclear why the plane, en route from Istanbul, crashed. There were conflicting reports initially about the number of dead and injured, but at a press conference at Schiphol a couple of hours after the crash, the airport director confirmed nine people had died. (Source : BBC News - Europe)


Today we met at the Maximilians in Speyer which was basically our first serious encounter concerning our trip to Amsterdam. We had a great time discussing our trip about...5 minutes. The rest of the time consisted of Yildeen's and Barega's conversation about Australian Aborigines and the marvellous Wiki which deals with this topic.

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